Welcome, one, welcome all!
Welcome to my website!
My name is mccheese, but I also go by Drew. I've been a denizen of the internet like many others for years, but this is my first* website.
I have a multitude of hobbies, which include (but are not limited to) playing video games, editing videos, prospective voice acting, computer & keyboard assembly, illustration... Sort of a jack of all trades, master of none. :)
I'd say the reason I create and indulge in various hobbies is because I enjoy creating things I can see a portion of myself in. I love seeing other people's art and seeing their personality shine through the medium.
If you're a fan of listening to random crazy people ramble to anyone who'll listen, I'd recommend checking out my blog section.
If you wanna see what I've made, you can check out my keyboards section and gallery sections. I also have social links on the sidebar you can check out if that's your thing.
This website is an extension of myself, so I hope that you can manage to gleam a little bit of what I'm like from it!